Here we have made a list of top 10 Indian States with Highest Women Literacy Rate.
The female literacy rate in Kerala is particularly high, with 96.2% of women in the state being literate according to the 2021 Census of India.
Mizoram is a state located in the northeastern region of India. The 2021 Census of India found that 95.5% of women in Mizoram are literate
Lakshadweep has a high female literacy rate of 93.8%, according to the 2021 Census of India.
Tripura is a state located in the northeastern region of India. It is bordered by Bangladesh to the north, south, and west, and has a high female literacy rate of 93.7%.
Tamil Nadu is a state located in the southern region of India. According to the 2021 Census of India, the female literacy rate in Tamil Nadu is 93.0%.
The female literacy rate in Andhra Pradesh, a state located in the southeastern region of India, is 92.7%, according to the 2021 Census of India.
Goa is a state located on the western coast of India. It has a high female literacy rate of 92.7%, according to the 2021 Census of India.
According to the 2021 Census of India, Chhattisgarh, a state located in central India, has a high female literacy rate of 92.6%.
West Bengal is a state located in the eastern region of India. It has a high female literacy rate of 92.5%, according to the 2021 Census of India.
Himachal Pradesh is a state located in the northern region of India. It has a high female literacy rate of 92.5%, according to the 2021 Census of India.