In the vast and vivid universe of X-Men comics, heroes and villains wield incredible weapons, each with unique powers and storied histories.
In a future where Sentinels are the big bad guys, they create Nimrod, a super smart and adaptable robot designed to track down and destroy mutants.
Also known as Ultimaton, Weapon XV is like the superhero version of a high-tech weapon.
The Soulsword is like something straight out of a fantasy story, but it’s real in the X-Men comics.
The Muramasa Blade is not your average katana; it’s like the superhero version of swords.
Designed by Forge to let any mutant become a powerhouse on the battlefield The Captain Krakoa suit is like a superhero outfit on steroids.
When Grant Morrison took over writing for the X-Men in the 2000s, they introduced some wild concepts, like the Weapon Plus program
Psylocke stands out in the X-Men universe with her ability to turn psychic power into kick-ass weapons.
The Sentinels are like the big, bad robots of the X-Men world, designed to hunt down mutants.
In the world of comic books, where the usual rules don’t apply, the Phoenix Gun stands out as a truly wild idea.
The Crimson Gem of Cyttorak is a super powerful item in the Marvel comics, and it’s what gives the Juggernaut his incredible powers.