Top 10 Female Villains in Comics

Top 10 Female Villains in Comics

There are many strong female villains with a lot of potential. So, here are the top 10 female villains in comics.

Lady Death

Lady Death

The first on the list is one of the strongest female characters of Marvel Comics and the lady love of Thanos ‘Lady Death’.

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

Ivy is one of the oldest and most popular female villains in comics. Poison Ivy first appeared in the ‘Batman’ comic book #181 which was published in 1966.

Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn

With time Harley Quinn has established herself as one of the most popular anti-hero characters of DC.



Next in our list of top female villains is Enchantress. The DC supervillain character was created by the duo of Bob Haney and Howard Purcell.

Lady Deathstrike

Lady Deathstrike

The 5th name on the list is Lady Deathstrike (Yuriko Oyama) who’s the daughter of the scientist Kenji Oyama.

Granny Goodness

Granny Goodness

When you hear the word Granny, the first impression you get is a figure of a loving and caring old woman.



Wonder Woman is one of the most iconic female characters of all time. A villain who’s involved in direct conflict with the Amazonian deserves a place on the list.



When we talk about villains, Darkside is considered one of the most evil and strongest villains in the DC Universe.

Killer Frost

Killer Frost

Another DC villain on the list, Killer Frost is character who has battled many superheroes and was even part of the Suicide Squad at one point of time.



How can the Goddess of Death and Mistress of the Darkness not be in the list of top female villains of comics.