Top 10 All-Female Superhero Teams Ranked

Top 10 All-Female Superhero Teams Ranked

Top 10 All-Female Superhero Teams! From fearless warriors to brilliant minds, these mighty heroines prove that teamwork, sisterhood, and a touch of girl power can conquer any challenge.

Birds of Prey

Birds of Prey

It is a dynamic all-female superhero team in DC Comics, renowned for their courage and unwavering determination.

The Amazons

The Amazons

The Amazons, a legendary all-female team, embody strength, courage, and sisterhood.

Powerpuff Girls

Powerpuff Girls

Created by Professor Utonium in a laboratory accident, these pint-sized heroes possess extraordinary powers.

Lady Liberators

Lady Liberators

Originally introduced as a satirical concept, the team eventually evolved into a legitimate force.

Daughters of the Dragon

Daughters of the Dragon

They are a dynamic duo and an all-female superhero team in Marvel Comics. Composed of Misty Knight and Colleen Wing.



First introduced in 2015 during the “Secret Wars” storyline, A-Force features an impressive lineup of prominent female heroes from the Marvel Universe.

Fearless Defenders

Fearless Defenders

The team was first introduced in 2013 and consists of a diverse lineup of powerful heroines from the Marvel Universe.

DC Super Hero Girls

DC Super Hero Girls

Originally launched in 2015, DC Super Hero Girls presents a fresh and modern take on iconic DC characters.

Female Furies

Female Furies

They are an elite force of warrior women from the planet Apokolips, serving Darkseid, the tyrannical ruler of Apokolips.

DC Bombshell Batgirls

DC Bombshell Batgirls

The DC Bombshell Batgirls are a unique rendition of the iconic Batgirl character within the DC Bombshells universe.