Here we will known what is the role of TV in Shaping the culture and society.
Television is a primary source of information for many people, particularly when it comes to news and current events.
This access to information is essential for people to stay informed and engaged with the world around them.
Television offers a wide variety of entertainment options, appealing to a broad range of audiences and interests.
Reality shows, which feature real people in unscripted situations, have become increasingly popular in recent years.
Television can be used as an educational tool, with programs designed to teach various subjects and skills. Educational television programs can cover a wide range of topics.
For example, children’s educational programs often use animation and interactive elements to make learning fun and engaging.
Television can play a powerful role in shaping public opinion by the way it presents news and current events and the way it frames the issues.
Moreover, the way television news programs cover events and report on the news can create public perceptions and biases.
Television shows and commercials can play an important role in reflecting and reinforcing the values and norms of a society.
Moreover, television commercials can also reinforce cultural values and norms by depicting gender roles.