Welcome to our blog, “10 Must-Read Authors Whose Name Starts with N.” In this special feature, we’re diving into a unique corner of the literary world.
Hailing from Cairo, born in 1911, Naguib Mahfouz is not just a central figure in Arabic literature but also a global literary icon.
With a legacy deeply entrenched in American literature, Nathaniel Hawthorne, born in 1804, is renowned for his exploration of morality and sin in Puritan society.
British author Neil Gaiman, a modern-day mythmaker, weaves narratives that bridge the realms of fantasy, horror, and mythology.
Born in Ukraine in 1809, Nikolai Gogol is celebrated as a pioneer of Russian realism. His influential works, such as “Dead Souls” and “The Overcoat,” offer a satirical glimpse into 19th-century Russian society.
An American romance novelist par excellence, Nora Roberts has penned over 225 novels, enchanting readers worldwide.
Known for his innovative narrative style and unflinching exploration of controversial subjects, Norman Mailer’s contributions to American literature are undeniable.
Redefining the boundaries of speculative fiction, American author N.K. Jemisin’s “Broken Earth” series has garnered unprecedented acclaim.
Canadian author Naomi Klein stands out for her incisive critique of corporate globalization and consumerism.
A towering figure in Greek literature, Nikos Kazantzakis is celebrated for his philosophical depth and narrative mastery.
A South African Nobel laureate, Nadine Gordimer used her writing as a means to challenge and reflect on the moral complexities of apartheid.