These novels are engaging, intelligent and wonderfully written. So without much delay lets look at 8 books based on post human earth.
Set thousands of years into the future, this book follows a post human world where special location determines intellectual capacities.
Interestingly, this book is a non fiction novel. It revolves around the speculation of the future, based on climate change and our actions today.
This classic by the brilliant writer of Frankenstein follows the story of the annihilation of the world by a plague of ginormous scale.
This book is set in 2021, when the whole world has been ravaged by drugs, war and disease, except for a few vestiges of civilization.
This is a collection of short stories that explores a futuristic earth, in its final stages of existence.
This non fiction delves into the impact of humans and their activities on the world, and the imprint we’re going to leave on it when we’re gone.
This classic sci fi is the story of Paul, who lives on a desert planet where the most valuable substance is mélange – a kind of spice necessary for life.
This book follows the first post human being, Nikko, who can survive without oxygen.