7 Deadly Monsters in Chinese Mythology

7 Deadly Monsters in Chinese Mythology

So, here is a list of 7 deadly monsters in Chinese Mythology you must know about.

Bai Ze

Bai Ze

‘Bai Ze’ is a mythical figure which appears in both Japanese and Chinese Myths. The word ‘Bai Ze’ literally means “White Marsh” in English.



It is believed that the edible monster is a lump of meat with two eyes. However, the mythical creature grows back as fast as it is being eaten.



Bashe is said to be one of the most dangerous and deadly female monsters of the Chinese mythological. According to the Chinese myths, Bashe is believed to be a python-like mythical creature.



The mythical character originated from South China. According to the popular belief, it is a large Black Dog who possesses the ability to emit fire from its mouth.



Many people think that Vampires are a modernized form of demons which have been used in movies, tv shows, comics, books and novels.

Ox-Head and Horse-Face

Ox-Head and Horse-Face

These mythical creatures are called ‘Ox-Head and Horse-Face’ as it’s believed that they are two men with heads of animals.



This monster can be a true party spoiler for any individual. It is believed that Nian hunts people and every year enjoys a feast by hunting down humans on the 1st day of the New Year.