The Year of Magical Thinking is a memoir from an iconic writer, Joan Didion. In her classic grief memoir Joan Didion explores marriage and life.
A Grief Observed by C.S Lewis is a poignant tale that concerns the death of his wife, the poet Joy Davidman.
The Last Act of Love by Cathy Rentzenbrink is a heartbreaking memoir about losing her brother.
When Breath Becomes Air is a medical memoir by Paul Kalanithi. Paul at the age of 36 was on the verge of completing his decade’s worth of training.
Option B is a book from Facebook’s COO Sheryl Sandberg and Wharton’s top-rated professor Adam Grant.
The Art of Losing It by Rosemary Keevil is a memoir of a struggling mother who finds her way from one side of grief and addiction to the other.
With It’s OK That You’re Not OK by Megan Devine offers a new approach to both the experience of grief and the way we help others who have endured tragedy.