Here are 10 Novels Where Crimes Are Motivated By Books.
This novel follows an editor, Susan who works for a strange author of crime fiction called Alan Conway. Alan writes about detective called Atticus, with whom Susan is familiar.
This mystery thriller follows Jacob Finch Bonner, once a promising novelist but now a mediocre teacher.
The second part of the Harbinder Kaur mysteries, this novel follows the death of a 90 year old woman, Peggy which comes across as unsuspicious but only until a new fact comes to light.
Hannah has taken up Agatha Christie’s mantle and now writes Hercules Poirot mysteries. This newest mystery is narrated by Scotland Yard detective Edward Catchpool.
Set on the scenic Camino Islands in the wake of a hurricane, an apparent victim is bookshop owner Bruce’s friend and an author of thrillers himself.
This book follows Clay Jannon, the newest employee at Mr Penumbra’s 24 hour bookstore but there is something fishy going on there.
This book follows Vida Winter, a prolific author of a collection of short stories. Winter has received acclaim for the first twelve complete and last missing story.
This book is a world war fiction which breaks through genre barriers and is simultaneously mystery, historical fiction and metafiction.
Jenner’s tribute to Jane Austen is a wonderful book set right after the Second World War in Chawton. Chawton was Austen’s last home and decades after her death, it is decadent.
This novel combines the genres of mystery, fantasy, historical fiction and metafiction to craft a masterpiece that everyone ought to read.