10 Most Powerful Versions of Captain America

10 Most Powerful Versions of Captain America

Captain America is one of the oldest and longest running superheroes of the comics Industry. So, let’s talk about 10 most powerful versions of Captain America.

Steve Rogers

Steve Rogers

The first in our list has to be the man himself, Captain America aka Steve Rogers. There are several visions of Captain America but no character comes close to  Steve Rogers.

Soldier Supreme

Soldier Supreme

Soldier Supreme may not be as mainstream & popular as Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson but is surely no less than the duo when it comes to power & strength.

Sam Wilson

Sam Wilson

The third most powerful version of Captain America according to us is Falcon aka Sam Wilson. Wilson has been a long ally of Rogers.

Secret Empire Captain America

Secret Empire Captain America

Next on our list is the Secret Empire Captain America. This version of Captain America is one of the most powerful and evil versions of Captain America.

Danielle Cage

Danielle Cage

Now let’s introduce a female version of Captain America. Danielle Cage is the daughter of Luke Cage and Jessica Jones.

John Walker

John Walker

The U.S. Agent aka John Walker is another evil and powerful version of Captain America. Walker is not exactly an evil character.

Peggy Carter

Peggy Carter

Most people must be aware about Carter’s version of Captain America. Peggy Carter has appeared in the MCU in recent times.

Kiyoshi Morales

Kiyoshi Morales

‘Commander A’ aka Kiyoshi Morales is another powerful version of Captain America. This powerful version of Captain America appeared in the limited series Captain America Corps.

Roberta Mendez

Roberta Mendez

Roberta Mendez isn’t an organic Captain America version. She was forced to become the superhero by her husband.

Vampire Captain America

Vampire Captain America

I mean we have almost seen it all. From Captain America’s evil version to female versions and even Captain Britain and Falcon.