10 Marvel Superheroes You Had No Idea Bonded With Symbiotes: Symbiotes, the captivating, alien species that often blur the line between hero and villain.
Although the symbiote narrative is usually associated with Spider-Man, its reach in the Marvel universe is broader than most realize.
The symbiote amplifies Wolverine’s already formidable abilities, transforming him into a monstrous creature of nightmares.
In this storyline, Deadpool bonds with the Venom symbiote before it meets Spider-Man, making him the original host.
In the series “Web of Venom: Ve’Nam” (2018), a black-ops version of the Venom symbiote is used to create a super-soldier serum.
The sharp-shooting, quick-witted member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, had an unusual symbiotic encounter in “Venom: Space Knight” (2015-2016).
In the “Venomized #1” comic book, penned by Cullen Bunn and featuring art by Iban Coello, Matt Yackey, and Joe Caramagna, the Greek god Hercules found himself entangled with a symbiote.
The idea of Galactus threatening a desolate Earth evokes a sense of desperation, pushing King Thor to unusual measures. He retrieves the notorious.
In the comic book realm, even the mighty Hulk hasn’t escaped symbiote influence. In the “Venomized” storyline (2018), Hulk becomes bonded with a Venom-like symbiote.
In the non-canon ‘Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four in… Brain Drain!’ (2006), Johnny is taken over by a symbiote. The fiery hero’s powers make for a surreal symbiote display.
The Punisher, known for his brutal vigilante justice, found himself imbued with even darker powers in the “Venomized” series by Cullen Bunn.