10 Great Science Experiments For Kids

10 Great Science Experiments For Kids

We’ve compiled a list of 10 great science experiments for kids. From creating a volcano eruption to making a homemade battery.

Make a volcano

Make a volcano

The baking soda and vinegar volcano experiment is a classic science  experiment that demonstrates a chemical reaction between two common  household items.

Homemade lava lamp

Homemade lava lamp

Creating a homemade lava lamp is a simple yet fascinating experiment that can be done with just a few household items.

Make a simple motor

Make a simple motor

To make a simple motor using a battery, a magnet, and a wire, you need to create a wire coil and attach it to a battery.

Create a mini greenhouse

Create a mini greenhouse

To make a simple motor using a battery, a magnet, and a wire, you need to create a wire coil and attach it to a battery.

Create a homemade rocket

Create a homemade rocket

Creating  a homemade rocket with a film canister, baking soda, and vinegar is a  fun and exciting experiment that demonstrates the chemical reaction  between an acid (vinegar) and a base (baking soda) to produce carbon  dioxide gas.

Experiment with static electricity

Experiment with static electricity

When you rub a balloon on your hair, it creates static electricity. This  is because when two materials are rubbed together, negatively charged  particles, called electrons.

How plants absorb water

How plants absorb water

This experiment is a simple way to demonstrate how plants absorb water  through their stems. First, select white flowers and cut the stem at an  angle.

Experiment with buoyancy

Experiment with buoyancy

????Buoyancy  is the ability of an object to float on a liquid or a gas. This  experiment allows children to explore this scientific concept by  creating a boat out of tin foil that can hold pennies without sinking.

Make a homemade compass

Make a homemade compass

Buoyancy  is the ability of an object to float on a liquid or a gas. This  experiment allows children to explore this scientific concept by  creating a boat out of tin foil that can hold pennies without sinking.

Create a solar oven

Create a solar oven

Creating a solar oven using a pizza box and aluminum foil is a fun and  educational way for kids to learn about solar energy and how it can be  used to cook food.