10 Dumbest Character in Marvel Universe

10 Dumbest Character in Marvel Universe

Yes, we’re talking about the 10 Dumbest Characters in Marvel Universe! Whether it’s Taserface, whose name screams “I tried too hard,” or Eye-Scream, who’s never been the “flavor of the month,”

Forbush Man

Forbush Man

First on our list is “Forbush Man”, the epitome of Marvel’s tongue-in-cheek humor. Originally a low-level office worker named Irving Forbush at the Marvel bullpen.



Meet Eye-Scream, the Marvel character who turned absurdity into an art form. Born with the “awe-inspiring” ability to turn into any flavor of ice cream you can imagine.

Drax The Destroyer

Drax The Destroyer

Next on our list is Drax the Destroyer, the Guardians of the Galaxy’s lovably literal muscleman. Sworn to avenge his family, Drax is all brawn and practically zero brain.



Taserface, the blundering Ravager, staged a mutiny against Yondu but failed spectacularly at the villain game. Not only did he oust everyone loyal to Yondu but bizarrely left his former captain and Groot.

Red Guardian

Red Guardian

Alexei Shostakov, aka Red Guardian, the Soviet Union’s answer to Captain America—if that answer was scribbled on a bar napkin after too many vodka shots.

Trevor Slattery / “Mandarin”

Trevor Slattery / “Mandarin”

Slattery, the man who hilariously portrayed “The Mandarin,” a fearsome nemesis of Tony Stark. Except, he’s not really fearsome—or intelligent, for that matter.

Roger Harrington

Roger Harrington

Mr. Harrington, the science teacher who’d probably mistake his own periodic table for a cafeteria menu. Despite boasting a degree from Culver University, this Midtown School educator seems to have majored in the art of cluelessness.

Jimmy Woo

Jimmy Woo

Woo, the FBI agent with a heart of gold but the detective skills of a golden retriever. Sure, he’s affable, but let’s just say you wouldn’t want him as your poker partner.



The Asgardian might have strong arms that could bench-press a car, but when it comes to critical thinking, he’s as sharp as a bowling ball.



Last on our list is “Mantis”, the empathic extraterrestrial and the Guardians of the Galaxy’s ultimate “awkward friend,” is a prime example of how not knowing stuff can get you into, well, complicated situations.