10 Biggest Betrayals in The History of DC Comics: DC Comics has been entertaining fans for nearly a century and its rich history is full of memorable moments, epic battles, and iconic characters.
Hal Jordan, who was the Green Lantern of Coast City, experienced immense distress when the city was destroyed by the infamous warlord Mongul.
DC has a legacy of causing families to split apart. One of the most striking examples is depicted in the comic book “Death In The Family” where Batman and Robin, Jason Todd, set out to find Jason’s mother who has gone missing.
Maxwell Lord IV held significant sway over the Justice League and played a key role in the formation of Justice League International following the Crisis On Infinite Earths event.
Aquaman, beloved for his orange and green attire, is a noble superhero, but being king of Atlantis takes precedence over his role as a member of the Justice League.
DC Comics has come under intense criticism for its event Heroes In Crisis, with many fans viewing the company as the culprit rather than the beloved character, Wally West aka Kid Flash.
The New 52 introduced a combination of iconic heroes with fresh perspectives and new characters like Atomica.
Batman, a prominent member of the Justice League, is renowned for being the best hero for a good cause. He showcases his astute strategies by devising backup plans for both his enemies and allies.
In the DC Universe, Superman is seen as the embodiment of goodness and is a source of inspiration and hope in a world filled with evil and malevolence.
One of the most notable shocking revelations was Jean Loring’s descent into madness. Before she took Sue’s life, Jean had been viciously attacked by the notorious villain Dr. Light.
Brad Meltzer’s Identity Crisis saga is a dark and controversial story that focuses on the uncovering of several past secrets that have plagued the Justice League.