The epic friendships that blossom between ’em! So, we thought, why not put together a list of the top 10 Best Friends In Dc Comics With Unforgettable Friendships,

10 Best Friends In Dc Comics With Unforgettable Friendships

10 Best Friends In Dc Comics With Unforgettable Friendships

We’re talking about Blue Beetle and Booster Gold, two BFFs who totally rock the superhero world.

Blue Beetle and Booster Gold

Blue Beetle and Booster Gold

Superman and Jimmy Olsen are the ultimate comic book BFFs. The Man of Steel is all-powerful and everything, but even he needs a tight support squad.

Superman and Jimmy Olsen

Superman and Jimmy Olsen

It all started when Poison Ivy saved Harley from Gotham’s earthquake mess during the “No Man’s Land” chaos.

Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy

Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy

Back in the Bronze Age, things got pretty wild for a bunch of superheroes. Writers jazzed up classic characters and threw in some real-world issues to spice things up.

Oliver Queen and Hal Jordan

Oliver Queen and Hal Jordan

Batman’s just a regular guy (with a ton of money and gadgets) while Superman’s got godly powers.

Batman and Superman

Batman and Superman

Superkids Jon Kent and Damian Wayne, sons of superheroes Superman and Batman, had a rocky start when they first met at the Batcave.

Jon Kent and Damian Wayne

Jon Kent and Damian Wayne

The Teen Titans boast some awesome friendships, but Raven and Starfire take the cake with their super sweet bond.

Raven and Starfire

Raven and Starfire

Did you know Catwoman’s not as much of a lone wolf as you might think? Sure, she’s got that whole complicated thing with Batman, but she’s also got a back in Holly Robinson.

Catwoman and Holly Robinson

Catwoman and Holly Robinson

Bronze Tiger and Rick Flag, two dudes forced to join Amanda Waller’s Task Force X, ended up becoming total bros.

Bronze Tiger and Rick Flag

Bronze Tiger and Rick Flag

Carter Hall and Ray Palmer, aka Hawkman and Atom, have been great friends since the Silver Age of comics.

Hawkman and The Atom

Hawkman and The Atom