Today we have made a list of 10 strongest characters from marvel comics or you can say the Marvel universe.
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Perhaps the first superhero ever, this character started out as Peter Parker, an orphan who eventually becomes a nice yet troubled high school student.
Captain America was designed to be a patriotic American soldier in the second world war, but became much more than that.
This character is epic and iconic in its appearance – he is green, buff and very, very, very strong.
Ironman was originally a very wealthy businessman and a brilliant scientist, but a wound caused him to use a shield, which he then develops into a suit of armour.
Thanos’ snap is world famous, and he is definitely one of the most powerful characters in the marvel universe.
Black panther is the first Afro American superhero that Marvel introduced, and is endowed with panther like qualities of agility, speed and reaction time.
Wolverine was introduced in Marvel’s superhero film X-Men and his specialty is his superpowers in both the natural and artificial domains.
Thor is a character that draws from Norse mythology to create a superhero with the legendary magic hammer.
This character’s backstory focuses on his profession as a surgeon, which is rendered obsolete after an accident.
Deadpool isn’t a superhero but a supervillain, but that doesn’t stop him form being one of the mightiest characters in the marvel universe.